Driving comfort depends on the suspension and steering systems that make it possible to safely accelerate, corner and brake. Teknia is involved in the manufacture of these components and can provide solutions in different technologies.
Being crucial in all types of vehicles, these parts will continue to be essential in the future, both in electric and autonomous vehicles. Teknia has great potential in this product category thanks to its multi-technology offering.
The Group can offer solutions with different technologies, such as tube forming, stamping, bar turning or aluminium injection moulding, in various geographical areas in both Europe and America, adapting to market trends.
Teknia currently manufactures a key product for steering: the servomotor housing. This component is manufactured in several geographical locations and Teknia is working to reach new customers.
On the suspension side, the Group manufactures spring seats, lower mounts and upper mounts. These parts are part of the shock absorber and are components of the suspension system. Teknia also manufactures the transmission tube, with in-house designed and manufactured transfer lines, and the gear shift lever housing. Teknia manufactures high-end suspension components that will play an important role in the vehicles of the future.

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